Mind Reading Conference at Stanford

It's short notice, but I just ran across the info at the Neuroethics & Law Blog. On Friday, March 10, 2006, Stanford University will host Reading Minds: Lie Detection, Neuroscience, Law, and Society. Here's a brief summary:A…

More Scientific Marketing

Marketers are turning to a variety of techniques to evaluate advertising effectiveness, including Six Sigma statistical analysis previously used for manufacturing and service quality improvement.

Emotions, Taste, and Expectations

Neuroscientists using fMRI brain scans have shown that people pereceive different tastes depending on their expectations. Marketers can use this data to show the importance of advertising, packaging, and other factors that affect product…

“Instant Replay” Breaks Aid Memory

MIT researchers found that rats learn more when a break allows them to replay what they just saw in their brain. There are indications that humans may learn in a similar manner, so marketers should look for opportunities to let human…

When Neuro Meets Nano: NBIC

In Think nano has ethical problems? Just wrap your brain around neuro, blogger ritalamchichi draws an interesting parallel between fears and ethical issues surrounding nanotechnology to those about the still emerging field of…