Browsing Tag

campbell soup

From Soup To… ARF

There's a new Executive Vice President of Advertising Effectiveness at the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), according to a Mediapost report. It's Robert Woodard, former VP of Global Consumer and Customer Insights at Campbell Soup Co.…

Neuromarketing: From Soup to Nuts

I've been chronicling the nascent neuromarketing industry since 2006, and I don't think I've seen a story to date which captured social media attention to the degree that the recent Campbell Soup neuromarketing story did. The original…

Your Brain on Soup

Soup is a product you probably don't lust for. Sure, a hot bowl of soup is nice after a chilly job of shoveling snow out of the driveway, but rarely is it more than an afterthought, or a quick prelude to a more interesting main course.…