Customer Experience Keynote Speaker

Today, no business topic gets more attention than customer experience (CX). But why would you want a customer experience keynote?  After all, keynote speakers are usually supposed to cover broad themes, create motivation, and inspire the audience. Keynoters don’t normally focus on what seems like a specialized topic.

Why a customer experience keynote speaker makes sense

“Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient.”
– Jeff Bezos

At first glance, customer experience seems like a subject for in-depth training or department workshops. That’s simply not true. CX training for customer-facing employees is certainly a good idea. But, there are important reasons to consider a keynote speaker on the topic:

Customer experience involves every part of the company

When only the people in direct contact with customers focus on CX, any attempt to create a world-class customer experience is doomed. Legal, IT, finance, compliance, logistics, and other functions often have a huge impact on CX. They determine how easy it is to interact with the company digitally. These groups affect activities like setting up an account, placing an order, viewing history, and much more. Have you ever been:

  • Logged off a site automatically and had to start over with what you were doing?
  • Forced to create a password so complicated you’ll never remember it?
  • Told you have to call customer service to continue what you were doing online?
  • Trapped in long voice menus that tell you to listen carefully to all options?

If so, you know the sort of friction these non-customer-focused functions can create.

Check Roger’s availability for your event.

Here’s a surprise. The people in these other functions aren’t evil (most of the time!) – they are just doing their jobs. They are trying to protect the company and its customers. A good customer experience keynote speaker can show how everyone in the company plays a role in CX. Equally important, that speaker will show why it’s important to cooperate when priorities collide.

Customer Service isn’t just a department

““Every employee can affect your company’s brand, not just the front-line employees that are paid to talk to your customers.”
– Tony Hsieh

In many organizations, customer service seems to be a sort of afterthought. It’s a way of making problems go away. Common mistakes:

  • Treating customer service as a cost center.
  • Pushing customers into long and frustrating voice menu interactions when they would prefer to speak to a real person.
  • Moving call centers to low-wage countries in spite of language and cultural mismatches.
  • Using call triage systems that transfer customers between agents, often requiring them to re-identify themselves or reiterate their problem.

Research shows these effortful customer experiences dramatically decrease repeat purchase behavior and increase negative word of mouth.

A Customer Experience Speaker Can Boost Revenue and Loyalty

Often, CX improvement efforts focus on maximizing conversions. It’s easy to measure what percent of visitors or app users make a purchase. And, the higher that number is the more revenue and profit ensue. But, customer loyalty depends on customer experience as well. Gartner research shows that 96% of customers who have a high-effort interaction with the company are disloyal! That compares to just 9% of those with low-effort experiences.

Customer-centricity needs management support

Nearly every company says they prioritize their customers in their mission statement. Sadly, only a few really deliver on that promise. Critically important improvements to customer experience are delayed or derailed by other company objectives. Have you ever heard, “I agree that’s important, but it will have to wait until next fiscal year.”

Truly great CX can happen only when management at all levels respect how central CX is to the company’s long-term success.

Customers judge your brand not on your mission statement, but by your behavior.

Roger Dooley: Your customer experience keynote speaker

Heroic Public Speaking - Grad AlumRoger Dooley is a recognized expert in science-based marketing. And, he has been a global keynote speaker for more than ten years. He’s given speeches and training on every continent. His audiences include corporate events and conferences, B2B and B2C, for-profit and non-profit. His first book, Brainfluence (Wiley) showed large and small businesses how customer’s non-conscious decision-making changed marketing outcomes. And, the book offered practical, science-based strategies to be more persuasive.

Roger’s latest book, Friction (McGraw Hill) is a sweeping look at how effort changes every aspect of human behavior. Much of the book focuses on how reducing friction in customer experience can drive revenue growth and even disrupt industries. (Roger is also the originator of the #FrictionHunter hashtag that lets anyone expose bad UX and CX when they encounter it.)

Check Roger’s availability for your event.

Data from Gartner shows that 88% of customers who have a high-effort customer service experience with your company will say bad things about your brand to others. 94% will be disloyal and buy from your competition. Roger brings these statistics to life with stories and real-world examples. He shows how companies have prospered by offering frictionless customer experience.

CX + EX = Success

In Friction, Roger also focuses on employee experience and engagement. According to Gallup, just 15% of employees are actively engaged with their employer. That means that the vast majority of employees are just putting in their time. Disengaged employees won’t deliver fantastic customer service. In his keynotes, Roger shows proven techniques leaders can use to get the entire team inspired and motivated to create a world-class customer experience.

Custom-crafted Keynotes

Every audience is different. Corporate groups are different than attendees at conferences and summits. B2B audiences have different needs than B2C. Roger always begins the keynote process with a kickoff call to discuss the needs and priorities of both the host and the participants. The content of they keynote will be crafted for maximum relevance and impact.

All of Roger’s keynotes are lively, with fast-moving visuals and frequent takeaways that audience members can apply as soon as they get back to their offices. See some reviews of Roger’s keynotes here: Roger Dooley speaking engagements.

Ready to learn how Roger can add value to your audience? Click here to check Roger’s availability.