
Praise for Brainfluence

Guy Kawasaki“You can never be too enchanting, so read this book to learn even more ways to change people’s hearts, minds, and actions. It’s always good to have some science behind your tactics.”
Guy Kawasaki, author of Enchantment and former chief evangelist of Apple

Martin Lindstrom“Using the most modern neuroscience research out there, Roger Dooley’s insightful new book, Brainfluence, will serve as a how-to guide for driving a successful business past its competition.”
Martin Lindstrom, author of Brandwashed

Christophe Morin“Roger’s writing is practical and very insightful. His book delivers on its promise: smart ideas supported by science that can help you make more money. A great and profitable read!”
Christophe Morin, coauthor of Neuromarketing and CEO, SalesBrain

Brian Clark“For years I’ve turned to Roger Dooley to keep up with the cutting edge of neuromarketing. Now with Brainfluence, Roger gives smart businesspeoplea one-stop unfair advantage. This book is a must-read.”
Brian Clark, CEO, Copyblogger Media

4.5 starsBrainfluence by Roger DooleyRated 4.6/5 with 133 reader ratings


Brainfluence bookIf you enjoy Neuromarketing, you’ll love Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing! Roger Dooley has compiled 100 actionable techniques to build your brand, win new customers, and close more sales – it’s a mix of the all-time best ideas from here plus new material. Even though every one of the hundred techniques is based on serious brain research, each concept is presented in a manner that is totally practical and free from scientific jargon. Every marketer, salesperson, and business owner should read Brainfluence!

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Brainfluence is available at, and wherever books are sold.

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Brainfluence in Other Languages

Brainfluence has been translated into ten languages
Brainfluence has been translated into nine languages – Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Simplified Chinese, German, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Polish, and Korean. As of August, 2017, there is a new Russian translation authorized and scheduled for publication.

Why You Need Brainfluence

According to leading neuroscientists, 95 percent of all thoughts, emotions, and learning occur before we are ever aware of it. Yet, most marketing efforts forgo the vast subconscious and instead target the rational, conscious mind. If you want to get ahead of your competition, it’s time to stop selling to just 5 percent of your customer’s brain! Through the wonders of modern neuroscience, tools now exist that can help explain the brain’s cognitive processes. When you understand how your customers’ brains work, you can appeal to the powerful subconscious—and get better results for less money.

Brainfluence explains how to apply neuroscience and behavior research to better market to consumers by understanding their decision patterns. Neuromarketing studies the way the brain responds to various cognitive and sensory marketing stimuli. Analysts use this to measure a consumer’s preference, what a customer reacts to, and why consumers make certain decisions. With quick and easy takeaways, Brainfluence contains key strategies for targeting consumers through in-person sales, online and print ads, and other marketing media.

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Neuromarketing can benefit your organization—whether a business or a nonprofit—in measurable ways. Get easy-to-implement, detailed tactics that are proven to boost sales, including:

  • Ease the very real pain of high prices through bundling, using decoys, and anchoring your prices effectively
  • Use images of money to stimulate a consumer to make a selfish purchase, like a sports car (but avoid these tactics when encouraging the purchase of a gift)
  • Win loyalty with rewards and quality contact time with the customer
  • Keep your brand associations consistent (and consistently good!) and become the more familiar brand
  • Build sensory features into your products, services, and marketing to appeal directly to the emotions and stored memories of your customers
  • And much more!

Brainfluence delivers the latest insights and research, giving you an edge in your marketing, advertising, and sales efforts. Your customer’s subconscious mind is a vast potential resource—this book explains how to tap it.


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