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Another Way Video Games Make You Smarter

One of my most read, tweeted, and retweeted posts lately has been Video Games Make You Smarter... Really. In addition to the cognitive enhancement from "shooter" and other games involving intense screen action, there's another way that…

Video Games Make You Smarter… Really!

Can video games make you a better air traffic controller? How about a better surgeon? And, for the huge demographic bubble of baby boomers, can video games keep you cognitively sharp into old age? Continuing our focus on brain fitness…

Smell Better, Sell More

Does a better-smelling product work better? Probably not, but people will THINK it does. Research shows that people rated a better-smelling product higher in completely unrelated performance areas. Reading Whiff! The Revolution of…

Keith Winter: New Emsense CEO

Keith Winter was named CEO at Emsense, a neuromarketing company that uses EEG and other technology to measure consumer response to media and ads. Winter had previously held the COO slot at Exponential Interactive, an Internet advertising…