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Brands Count – Seen or Unseen

We're in the midst of the busiest shopping season of the year, and lots of us will be shopping for stylish gifts. One of the choices we'll be confronted with is whether to buy an item from a well-known brand or opt for a less expensive…

New Gap Logo a Neuro Failure

Just about everyone has an opinion on the new Gap logo (now hastily withdrawn by the firm), and NeuroFocus has jumped on the bandwagon by conducting EEG and eye-tracking studies of consumer response to the design. Overall, they found…

When Consumption Isn’t Conspicuous

Marketers know that a key element in many purchases is to signal something about the buyer. A Toyota Prius, for example, says that its owner is concerned about the environment. Expensive luxury brands let the world know the buyer has…

Neuromarketing: From Soup to Nuts

I've been chronicling the nascent neuromarketing industry since 2006, and I don't think I've seen a story to date which captured social media attention to the degree that the recent Campbell Soup neuromarketing story did. The original…

Subliminal Logos

I've been involved in any number of logo projects, and all too often the designs submitted are predictable and prosaic. At best, the logo designer understands enough about the business to build some aspect of the firm's identity or…