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Market Research

Novel and traditional market research

Neuromarketing Standards Battle Ahead?

Days after the Advertising Research Foundation and a consortium of firms joined to conduct neuromarketing tests and establish standards (see Neuromarketing Standards Proposed), the biggest player in the field, NeuroFocus, is proposing its…

DDB Hires Earworm Expert

Just in case you didn't have enough goofy ad jingles stuck in your head, ad agency DDB has added an earworm expert to their staff. The Omnicom unit has named Daniel Müllensiefen, a lecturer in psychology, music and computing at…

When Consumption Isn’t Conspicuous

Marketers know that a key element in many purchases is to signal something about the buyer. A Toyota Prius, for example, says that its owner is concerned about the environment. Expensive luxury brands let the world know the buyer has…

The Buying Brain by A. K. Pradeep

Review: The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind by A. K. Pradeep The world of neuromarketing seems to be shrouded in mystery. There are no university studies that conclusively demonstrate that one can improve…

Virtual Supermarket

One of the challenges facing marketers is the difficulty in predicting real-world behavior from data captured in less than real circumstances. A horizontal, immobile subject surrounded by a claustrophobic, noisy fMRI tube might…

Proof That Women ARE Smarter?

With news swirling about the probable demise of embattled BP CEO Tony Hayward, one neuromarketing firm, Innerscope Research, has data they say show that even weeks ago women found Hayward less believable than men did. This video tracks…

Brain Scans Top Surveys

What's more accurate than asking people to predict their behavior? According to a new study at UCLA, the answer is, "Scan their brains." This may not come as a surprise to those engaged in neuromarketing research, but the newly…

Scent Nearly Doubles Sales

Finnish scent marketing firm Ideair used ten restaurants and bars to conduct an interesting test of the effect of scent on product sales. As reported by Reuters, five locations used only visual ads for a specific liquor brands while…

Simple Guarantees Work Best

The issue of simplicity vs. complexity is, well, complicated. In business, simplicity and brevity are usually greatly preferred, but in marketing trying to get your message into a few words sometimes doesn't work as well as longer…