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direct mail

Give Big, Get Bigger

Reciprocity, also called reciprocation, is a common enough theme here at Neuromarketing. The concept of reciprocity suggests that giving someone something, or doing a favor for someone, establishes a subtle return obligation. An…

What’s in a Name? Lots!

Dale Carnegie once said, "Remember that a man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language." It's a good bet that even Carnegie would be surprised at how true that statement is, even at the unconscious…

Paper Beats Digital For Emotion

Direct mail is so last millenium, right? Ultra-efficient digital marketing seems all but certain to supplant actual paper marketing delivered by humans. It might be a little too soon to shut down the paper mills, though, according to a…

Personalization: Post-Its and Beyond

Have you ever received a printed invitation to, say, a charity fundraiser, and found that someone you know on the organizing committee had hand-written a short note encouraging you to attend? (Or sat in a room with other people actually…