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Names Change Behavior

A new study by David Just and Brian Wansink of the Cornell Food & Brand Lab found that calling the same portion of spaghetti "double-size" instead of regular caused diners to eat less. In fact, the double-size group left 10 times as…

Musical Beans… Really!

Beans have a well-deserved reputation for being a multi-sensory product. Remember the "musical fruit" ditty? But it's no joking matter for Heinz, who teamed up with food artists Bompas & Parr to create a unique promotion for its Beanz…

The Power of Positive Names

Most of us don't give much thought to what we call our product, at least in terms of category. Toothpaste is toothpaste. Cars are cars. Perhaps it's time that other businesses learn what many restaurants already know: what you call a…

Better Branding with Chocolate and Sex

Fantasizing about food and sex can reduce pain. (And you always thought those fantasies were a waste of time...) People in emotional or physical distress often turn to "comfort foods" - new research shows that just thinking about these…