Sexy Names for College Courses

I've written often lately about college branding, but have focused on developing the external brand of the institution. One thing that's clear is that as skeptical as academics may be about the idea of branding, a few profs are actively…

Better Branding with Chocolate and Sex

Fantasizing about food and sex can reduce pain. (And you always thought those fantasies were a waste of time...) People in emotional or physical distress often turn to "comfort foods" - new research shows that just thinking about these…

Sexy Pics Beat Ugly Spiders

  Erotic images sell better than pictures of office supplies, and a lot better than photos of hairy spiders. Who knew? Actually, that's a bit of an oversimplification. Stanford researchers led by neuroeconomics prof Brian Knutson have…

Sexy Pictures and Gender Differences

When viewing sexy pictures, will men or women focus more on the faces of the participants? Surprisingly, men tend to look at the faces more than women, according to a new eye-tracking study conducted at the Center for Behavioral…

Sex Doesn’t Sell?

A new study suggests that ads on sexy television shows don't perform as well as those on tamer fare, and that advertisers need to look beyond the audience size and demographics in planning ad placements. APR's Marketplace radio show…