Love/Hate: Why Disliked Brands Prosper

Something brand owners strive for is that elusive magic of being loved by consumers. Brands like Apple, Google, Southwest Airlines, and others have earned enduring positive regard among consumers, and those companies outdo their peers in…

Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness

Book Review: Zarrella's Hiearchy of Contagiousness: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Contagious Ideas by Dan Zarrella I like Dan Zarrella's approach to social media. Amidst a horde of social media gurus, experts, mavens, and…

What’s A Return Policy Worth?

Ask catalog or Internet retailers what a return cost them, and they will likely be able to cite some very specific numbers reflecting shipping costs, processing labor, damaged packaging, and so on. But it turns out there's a specific…

Secrets of the Moneylab

Book Review: Secrets of the Moneylab: How Behavioral Economics Can Impact Your Business by Kay Yut Chen with Marina Krakovsky Economics can be dry stuff - remember "macro," "micro," and supply/demand curves? Fortunately, Secrets of…