

I've been hearing the invented word "brandwashing" for years now, but this combination of "branding" and "brainwashing" received new exposure when the New York Times suggested it as a synonym for neuromarketing.

About Face by Dan Hill

Book Review: About Face - The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising by Dan Hill At a time when neuromarketing discussions are dominated by brain scans - EEG on the commercial side, and fMRI for academic research - Dan Hill and…

Paper Beats Digital For Emotion

Direct mail is so last millenium, right? Ultra-efficient digital marketing seems all but certain to supplant actual paper marketing delivered by humans. It might be a little too soon to shut down the paper mills, though, according to a…

The Case FOR College Sports

Recently, Newsweek ran a big article titled The Case Against College Athletic Recruiting, with the sensational subtitle claiming that U.S. universities are "misappropriating resources" on sports. Accusing some of the nation's most…

No-Attention Branding

Advertisers strive to maximize attention and engagement. They want people to remember seeing their ads. They want maximum brand recall. But it's possible to have marketing impact without ANY of those things.

Keep it Simple for Boomers & Seniors

Targeting Boomers or seniors with your advertising? Keep it simple. While that's usually good advice for any kind of advertising, brain scans show a dramatic difference in the ability of older brains to suppress distracting…

Neuromarketing at New Scientist

For a field that some pundits dismiss as pseudoscience, neuromarketing scored a coup when New Scientist had Neurofocus optimize their cover design, and then wrote about the process. To be sure, the well-regarded science mag was…

Virtual Supermarket

One of the challenges facing marketers is the difficulty in predicting real-world behavior from data captured in less than real circumstances. A horizontal, immobile subject surrounded by a claustrophobic, noisy fMRI tube might…