Monthly Archives

April 2013

Brainfluence in Korean

I returned from my speaking swing through South America last week to find a nice surprise from Wiley, my publisher: a few sample copies of Brainfluence in Korean. The cover, amusingly enough, features a brain in a bottle! I neither speak…

Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter

Book Review: Drunk Tank Pink, and Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave by Adam Alter In Drunk Tank Pink, Author Adam Alter uses his own research and that of others to show how we are all influenced by…

Musical Beans… Really!

Beans have a well-deserved reputation for being a multi-sensory product. Remember the "musical fruit" ditty? But it's no joking matter for Heinz, who teamed up with food artists Bompas & Parr to create a unique promotion for its Beanz…