Monthly Archives

August 2013

German Brainfluence at ConversionSUMMIT

Attendees at the 2013 Conversion Summit in Frankfurt next week may get a double dose of Brainfluence! In addition to my keynote speech, Brainfluence: Getting Inside Your Customer’s Head, it looks like copies of the German translation of…

Books That Boost Conversion

Website conversion and conversion rate optimization are hot topics these days, and rightly so. It's getting ever more difficult and expensive to drive traffic to your website, and anything you can do to turn those visitors into leads,…

Beer and Mind Control

We know that beer affects our brain, at least if we drink enough, but a novel promotion by a South African beer company turns the tables: it lets drinkers control beer with their brain. The thirsty consumer simply dons an EEG headset (no…

Names Change Behavior

A new study by David Just and Brian Wansink of the Cornell Food & Brand Lab found that calling the same portion of spaghetti "double-size" instead of regular caused diners to eat less. In fact, the double-size group left 10 times as…