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Got a Good Story Ad?

Last week my post at Copyblogger, How to Write Weapons Grade Copy, focused on the power of stories to hold the attention of a customer. Here's a heartwarming ad from the UK department store John Lewis that shows how even a rather long…

Vivid Stories Change Donor Behavior

A vivid story can put us in a more altruistic mode, a study shows. UK researchers looked at the two ways people think about death - abstractly or specifically. They used a detailed story which placed the reader in a burning apartment…

Bit Pickles & Fuzzy Olives

In The Million Dollar Pickle (retitled after a reader suggested the original title When Stories Don't Sell wasn't that good), I retold a story about how a single bad customer service experience turned a business author and speaker into…

Stories Synchronize Brains

An ongoing story (so to speak) here at Neuromarketing is the power of stories to engage readers and listeners. Now, there's new brain scan evidence that shows a startling phenomenon: when one person tells a story and the other actively…

The Dark Side of Anecdotes

The power of anecdotes to persuade (see Why Stories Sell and Your Brain on Stories) is established, but there's a dark side to that power. Quite simply, an effective story can take over our brains to the point where we disregard more valid…

Why Stories Sell

We know that anecdotes can be a convincing way to sell a product, particularly if the story is told by someone we trust. (See Your Brain on Stories.) Evolutionary psychology may offer a reason. Human brains evolved when we had just two…