Best of Neuromarketing 2016


best of neuromarketing 2016

Here’s the list people wait all year for – the Best of Neuromarketing 2016! As usual, our selections are influenced heavily by the stats for views and shares, making this a “readers’ choice” list.

Reciprocity Power: A Study That May Shock You

pharmaceutical reciprocityReciprocation is a fundamental principle of influence we use in our daily lives. Do something for me, and I’m more likely to do something for you. Despite its familiarity, we often underestimate just how powerful reciprocity can be. New research shows its outsized influence.

Read More:  Reciprocity Power:  A Study That May Shock You

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Trump Surprise: Four Neuromarketing Takeaways from the 2016 Election

Donald Trump - Hillary ClintonThe 2016 U.S. presidential election will go down in history as one of the most unorthodox. Even many Trump supporters were surprised when he emerged as the eventual winner.  Here are my top 4 takeaways on Trump’s victory, including why conventional polling techniques were wrong and why Trump’s message resonated with voters.

Read More:  Trump Surprise:  Four Neuromarketing Takeaways from the 2016 Election

Top 10 Profile Photo and Portrait Hacks Based on Science

girl with pearl earring - two viewsDoes it really matter which photo you upload for profile pics or use for a publicity photo?  Science says it matters a great deal.  In this article find out 11 ways to choose your most effective photo.  Which side of your face should you show in your photo? Where should you be looking? Is it better to smile? How can you look smarter in your photo? Find answers to these questions and more.

Read More:  Top 10 Profile Photo and Portrait Hacks Based on Science

Surprise! Cialdini Adds 7th Principle, Unity

Cialdini adds 7th principle of influenceDr. Robert Cialdini is the godfather of persuasion science.  His Six Principles of Influence have been widely discussed and written about for decades. 30 years after Influence was published, Cialdini has added a 7th principle – Unity. Learn what Unity is and how to use it.

Read More:  Surprise!  Cialdini Adds 7th Principle, Unity

Unconscious Trust Formed in Milliseconds

facesA mere 33 milliseconds is all it takes for our brains to make a decision as to whether we trust someone We are bound by our first impressions. The same holds true with websites.  It takes visitors a mere 55 milliseconds for visitors to determine whether or not a website can be trusted. Find out how you can effectively increase trust to create a positive first impression.

Read More:  Unconscious Trust Formed in Milliseconds

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Animation, Persuasion, and Neuromarketing

animation-neuromarketingWe know that videos can enhance user experience and often increase conversions.  Providing further information through video goes a long way in helping visitors make an informed decision. Animation is a particularly powerful way to exploit video and be persuasive.  In this article, Carla Clarke Ph.D discusses how animation in video affects our brain.

Read More:  Animation, Persuasion, and Neuromarketing

Social Proof: Are You Doing It Wrong?

social proofSocial proof has long been recognized as an effective way to increase conversions.  When we hear that other people use or like a product or service, we are more inclined to buy it. But could you be doing it wrong?  This article describes research testing different kinds of social proof and shows which are most effective in influencing customer action.

Read More:  Social Proof:  Are You Doing It Wrong?

How To Influence Others by Drawing, Even if You Flunked Art

How to Start DrawingDrawings can have a strong effect on how our brains perceive information.  You don’t have to be Vincent Van Goh to create highly effective sketches – you just need a few simple lines and shapes. Visual communication expert Dan Roam shows you how easy it is to amp up your persuasive ability with simple drawings.

Read More:  How To Influence Others By Drawing, Even if You Flunked Art

A Remarkably Powerful Way to Increase Sales Success

mimicry - mirroringWant to close more deals? Get cooperation from team members? Negotiate more effectively? This article describes a powerful but simple body language technique that can be used to increase your persuasiveness in those and other areas.

Read More:  A Remarkably Powerful Way to Increase Sales Success

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Ranking Psychology: The Best Way to Brag

top rankingsIt’s a societal thing – we’ve all been trained not to brag.  However, clearly conveying your credentials and accomplishments in a way that doesn’t make you sound like a braggart is a skill. Here you’ll find out how to master the art of self-promotion without turning off your audience.

Read More:  Ranking Psychology:  The Best Way to Brag

Are You Scaring Your Customer’s Inner Caveman?

We are wired to crave control.  Control makes us feel comfortable.  When we feel comfortable, we feel safe.  When we don’t feel comfortable and safe, we experience fear. On a website, this “fear” reaction may be unconscious but it can still reduce your conversions. This guest article by Liraz Margalit, Ph.D., explains how to design to keep your visitor in control and feeling safe.

Read More:  Are You Scaring Your Customer’s Inner Caveman?

Lab Results: 3 UX Tweaks for a More Effective Homepage

Your Home page is likely the hub of your entire website.  This page probably receives more traffic than any other page.  This article by Alex Birkett details how to design your user experience for maximum effectiveness.  It also illustrates visual cues that you can use to direct attention, a critical issue since getting visitors to the right place is the major function of the home page.

Read More:  Lab Results:  3 UX Tweaks for a More Effective Homepage

I hope you get some great ideas from these, and I look forward to a 2017 filled with new and amazing science-based advice!

Best of #Neuromarketing 2016 - most viewed, most shared. #influence #CRO Share on X

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