New Book Trailer Video
Here’s the new book trailer video for FRICTION – I would love to hear your thoughts! If you haven’t read the book yet, do the goggles make sense? Or at least, not confuse you? Is the energy level good? Does it make you want to read the book (if you haven’t)? Reply in a comment, or ping me on Twitter.
Check out FRICTION: The Movie. Actually, it's the video trailer for Roger Dooley's new book! Share on X
In thinking about the content for a short video, I tried to strike a balance between connecting all the friction dots from the book (including personal habit formation and national/regional success) and simplicity. So, I opted to focus on the two major parts of the book, customer and employee experience. Hope you like it, and I look forward to hearing from you! Don’t have the book yet? Here’s my book page, or take the frictionless path at Amazon!