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Social Media

The Dark Side of Adjectives

Want your content to go viral, or at least get shared? Then don't overdo the adjectives. That's one of the interesting findings Dan Zarrella shares in his book, Zarrella's Hierarchy of Contagiousness.

Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness

Book Review: Zarrella's Hiearchy of Contagiousness: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Contagious Ideas by Dan Zarrella I like Dan Zarrella's approach to social media. Amidst a horde of social media gurus, experts, mavens, and…

Connect Emotionally to Boost Sales

Does your brand or business have an emotional connection with at least some of its customers? If so, that's a very good thing. A new study of retail chains showed that while just one in five consumers felt they had an emotional…

Smells Like Social Media

We've seen some unusual fragrance concepts, but how about a scent "Made for Social Media?" The new unisex fragrance, suggestively named Erox, comes from online community operator Crowdgather (CRWG). The scent incorporates synthetic human…

Social Media Ads Beat TV

Visa "Trip for Life" TV Spot from VisaGoWorld on Vimeo. Last week, neuromarketing firm Neurofocus released summary results of a study that compared the performance of the same ad when run on television and on two Internet websites,…

Neuromarketing: From Soup to Nuts

I've been chronicling the nascent neuromarketing industry since 2006, and I don't think I've seen a story to date which captured social media attention to the degree that the recent Campbell Soup neuromarketing story did. The original…