Monthly Archives

February 2010

The Power of Text

What makes an engaging television commercial? If you think visual and auditory appeal - action, sound, music, people, color, etc. - you would usually be correct. Ditto for high production values. An exotic location might help, too.…

Super Bowl 2010 Ad Winners

In what is becoming an annual event, Sands Research announced the "winning" commercials for Super Bowl 2010 as determined by their neuromarketing analysis. Volkswagen emerged as #1, well ahead of the competition by Sands' metrics.

Neuromarketing: From Soup to Nuts

I've been chronicling the nascent neuromarketing industry since 2006, and I don't think I've seen a story to date which captured social media attention to the degree that the recent Campbell Soup neuromarketing story did. The original…

One To One Acquiring fhios

One To One Interactive has reached a definitive agreement to acquire fhios, a customer experience, research, and design agency with offices in London, Singapore, and São Paulo. The fhios operations will become part of OTOInsights, the…

Heat Up Sales – With Coffee!

Meeting with a sales prospect in person for the first time? Think twice before you offer her a nice, ice-cold beverage. Instead, try a steaming mug of hot coffee to make the best impression. One of my favorite researchers, John Bargh of…

Bad Association: Video Overlay Fail

This video overlay ad at Ustream TV and the Austin-American Statesman isn't likely to develop an urge for Austin Travel among its viewers, as it is superimposed on a live feed from the smoking building after a plane…

Your Brain on Soup

Soup is a product you probably don't lust for. Sure, a hot bowl of soup is nice after a chilly job of shoveling snow out of the driveway, but rarely is it more than an afterthought, or a quick prelude to a more interesting main course.…

Flattery Will Get You Somewhere

Many people buy into the old axiom, "Flattery will get you nowhere." Neuromarketing readers, though, are an exceptionally bright and discerning group, and have no doubt already anticipated what comes next: new research shows that even…

Painful Games Companies Play

Does your company play painful games with your customers? I'm not talking about physical pain, but brain pain. More specifically, what has been termed buying pain or the pain of paying. According to research conducted by George…

Cookie Framing

Years ago, when The Tonight Show ruled late-night TV and when all the guests weren't celebrities promoting their latest book, movie, or TV show, host Johnny Carson interviewed the Girl Scout who sold the most cookies that year. This…