Monthly Archives

July 2010

Nonprofit Neuromarketing – Free Webinar

When I'm asked to speak at a conference, the theme is almost always how companies can employ neuromarketing techniques to sell more products. In a departure from that, on Tuesday, August 10, 2010, I'll be doing a webinar via Network for…

Stories Synchronize Brains

An ongoing story (so to speak) here at Neuromarketing is the power of stories to engage readers and listeners. Now, there's new brain scan evidence that shows a startling phenomenon: when one person tells a story and the other actively…

Virtual Supermarket

One of the challenges facing marketers is the difficulty in predicting real-world behavior from data captured in less than real circumstances. A horizontal, immobile subject surrounded by a claustrophobic, noisy fMRI tube might…

25-Cent Creativity Booster

Want to boost your creativity by investing a quarter or so? Buy a lightbulb. Not the fancy LED, halogen, or compact fluorescent variety - just the old-fashioned, cheap incandescent kind that come in four-packs for a buck or so.…

Proof That Women ARE Smarter?

With news swirling about the probable demise of embattled BP CEO Tony Hayward, one neuromarketing firm, Innerscope Research, has data they say show that even weeks ago women found Hayward less believable than men did. This video tracks…

Virtual Coolness

Evolutionary psychology suggests that we humans are all about conspicuous consumption. Displaying expensive or hard to find items raises our status and may suggest a higher degree of "fitness" as a mate (i.e., health and resources).…

The Million Dollar Pickle

Years ago, I attended a keynote speech whose main topic was customer service. The speaker's centerpiece was "the pickle story." To make a long story short, this guy discovered he was out of pickles just before a big Sunday cookout at…

Singing for Sales

Every experienced sales manager has a trick or two when it comes to hiring the best candidate for an open sales position. After a candidate passes the initial resume screening process, one manager might check out the applicant's shoes.…