Monthly Archives

December 2010

Small Surprise, Big Mood Change

What does it take to make you happy? Not much. A classic study by psychologist Norbert Schwarz found that ten cents would do the trick. He and his cohorts repeatedly placed a dime near a copy machine where they knew it would be found.…

Top Neuromarketing Posts of 2010

This is the time of year for "top" lists, and I thought I'd list the most popular Neuromarketing posts for 2010. This list isn't my opinion of which are best, but rather is based purely on popularity. These posts all generated some…

The Twitter Spot in Your Brain

These days, you can't go online without bumping into someone styling himself as a social media guru, a Facebook expert, or a power user of Twitter. And, if you check their online profiles, they actually do have thousands of friends and…

Fancy Fonts Boost Recall

If you want someone to remember your information, should you use a simple, easy to read font or one that is more complicated and difficult to read? Most people would guess that simplicity is best; after all, we know that simple fonts…

Subliminal Negativity Works

People hate negative advertising. So why do advertisers (notably political campaigns) keep doing it, and why does it work? We covered this in Why Negative Ads Work, but our brains hold yet another answer, as a test with subliminal…


I've been hearing the invented word "brandwashing" for years now, but this combination of "branding" and "brainwashing" received new exposure when the New York Times suggested it as a synonym for neuromarketing.