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Google Reader Is Going Away in Days

Many Neuromarketing readers still use Google Reader to keep up with their favorite blogs. It has been a great tool, one I used myself. But, Google decided to kill Reader as of July 1 in what they termed a round of "spring cleaning." So, if…

Staying Brainy at Forbes

If you like my stuff here at Neuromarketing, you'll almost certainly want to keep up with my new blog, Brainy Marketing, at My posts there don't duplicate my content here, but follow the same theme of using psychology and…

Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness

Book Review: Zarrella's Hiearchy of Contagiousness: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Contagious Ideas by Dan Zarrella I like Dan Zarrella's approach to social media. Amidst a horde of social media gurus, experts, mavens, and…

The Neuromarketing Challenge

OK, readers, I need some input. Here's my plan. Every neuromarketing firm says it has data showing the effectiveness of its methods. I really believe that some actually do know what they are doing. But, there's little or no…

Neuromarketing: From Soup to Nuts

I've been chronicling the nascent neuromarketing industry since 2006, and I don't think I've seen a story to date which captured social media attention to the degree that the recent Campbell Soup neuromarketing story did. The original…