Monthly Archives

November 2007

How To Increase Customer Pain

Big companies often find great ways to aggravate their customers, and cell phone giant Sprint proves the point. John Wall of the Ronin Marketing blog posted a rant about Sprint's advertising for their Centro Palm smartphone, Screw Your…

Cyber Monday Impulse Buying

Cyber Monday is one of those recent inventions that seems a bit suspect. Is the Monday after Thanksgiving really the biggest ecommerce sales day? It looks like Cyber Monday will have to work hard to beat Black Friday, when reports indicate…

Black Friday Neuromarketing

Across the U.S., retailers launched massive ad campaigns for the day after Thanksgiving, a.k.a Black Friday. The biggest shopping day of the year offers retailers a major challenge: how to get people into THEIR store, because once there the…

Art, The Golden Mean, and The Brain

What do mathematicians, architects, sculptors, biologists, and graphic designers have in common? They all use what is perhaps the most interesting number in mathematics: the Golden Mean, also called the Golden Ratio and the Golden Section.…

Turkey-Induced Trust?

Just in time for the annual Thanksgiving turkey overdose, MIT Technology Review has run Tryptophan, Turkey, and Trust by Emily Singer. Tryptophan is the enzyme abundant in turkey that has been shown to cause drowsiness. Many credit…

Wine Tasting Trickery

Wine and coffee seem to be common topics here at Neuromarketing. Perhaps it's because I enjoy both, but also because each of these beverages comes in an infinite variety of flavors and is available in varied methods of delivery. We've…

Sensory Marketing for Cell Phones

A pocketable cell phone/music player isn't the most obvious candidate for sensory marketing, but it seems to have worked for Verizon's Chocolate phone made by Korea's LG. The campaign for Chocolate, and its mastermind John Harrobin,…

Microsoft Taps Into Your Brain

People who think of Microsoft as a tech-age Big Brother probably won't be comforted by the software giant's effort to read your mind. Actually, their intentions are benign... they want to create thought-driven inputs that bypass joysticks…