Monthly Archives

October 2008

Buyology Roundup

Both the traditional press and bloggers have jumped on Martin Lindstom's Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy. The opinons range from fascinated to horrified, and dismissive to enthusiastic. We learned that the scheduled 60 Minutes…

Now Google Wants Our Brains

Those of us in the web marketing and search arena both love and fear Google. Google, directly or indirectly, makes us money and can send our sites millions of visitors; on the other hand, Google knows a LOT about us. Their Toolbar,…

Are Tobacco Warnings Really Ads?

One of the startling conclusions from the neuromarketing study described by Martin Lindstrom in Buyology is that not only are the government-mandated warnings on tobacco packages ineffective, but they actually promote smoking behavior by…

Neuromarketing on NBC Today Show

Martin Lindstrom got a great plug for his new book, Buyology, in an interview on NBC's Today Show. The piece may have been a bit superficial, and the host referred to fMRI when the particular study in question was performed using EEG…

Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy Buyology by Martin Lindstrom is a compulsively readable (at least for marketers) account of a research project that spanned three years and cost $7 million. Lindstrom's team used both fMRI and…

Buyology: Prime Time Neuromarketing

According to author, brand guru, and Neuromarketing reader Martin Lindstrom, the CBS news show 60 Minutes will air an exclusive interview on tonight's show in which he will reveal some of the startling findings in his new book Buyology:…

Product Contagion in Action

I've been traveling quite a bit recently (which explains the lower rate of Neuromarketing posts), and at a recent stay at a Jameson Inn in Indiana, I encountered the above product arrangement on the shelf of their little convenience shop…

Reflecting on the Mirror

Here's a prediction: in the coming years, we'll see mirrors popping up in the entryways of churches and other places of worship. And the reason won't be to let those entering fix their hair. As we'll see, the mirror has a rather magical…

Do We Process Skipped Commercials?

Television advertisers have a lot to worry about these days. The traditional networks have lost market share to an explosion of specialty channels, and television as a whole is threatened by other powerful entertainment choices like the…