No-Contact Brain-Machine Interface

Wouldn't it be exciting if you could control a machine with your thoughts? Without surgery or electrodes stuck to your scalp, and without a lengthy learning/training process? Well, that possibility is detailed in ATR, Honda Develop New…

Neurotechnology Poised for Growth

In The Future of Neurotechnology, the MIT Technology Review interviews Zack Lynch, managing directory of market analysis firm NeuroInsights. Neuroscience is now moving from a science to an industry. What we're really looking at is an…

Male/Female Brain Differences

An interesting Baltimore Sun article, Hormones wire men's, women's brains differently, surveys recent research showing how hormones trigger physical differences in male and female brains. Among the newest findings: A previously unknown…

Food Ads: How Brains Respond

Scientists now have a better understanding of why some people develop extreme food cravings. Brain scans show that some individuals have a much stronger response to images of food, making them more likely to abandon diets and engage in…

Book Review: The Creating Brain

The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Genius (2005, Dana Press), by Nancy C. Andreasen, is a slender book geared to the lay reader. Andreasen's style is breezy and conversational; if she teaches her classes at the University of Iowa in…