Why Neuro-Alarmists Have It Wrong

A week doesn't go by with some blogger reading about neuromarketing, fMRI ad studies, and the like, and then posting, "This is creepy - very Orwellian! Pretty soon we'll all be buying stuff we didn't want or need!" While neuroscience DOES…

AdTech Goes Neuro

Neurofocus, a firm which saps it specializes in quantitative analysis of advertising and marketing using neuroscience, is an exhibitor at this week's AdTech show in San Francisco.

Mirror Marketing: More on Mirror Neurons

A few months ago, we mentioned "mirror neurons", which fire when a subject watches another subject perform an action. If the subject has performed the action before himself, these neurons will duplicate, or "mirror" the, action in the…

Decision Making and the Brain

New research identifies the areas of the brain used to store "values" for alternative choices in decision making. This work will influence both neuroeconomics and neuromarketing, and will no doubt spawn much follow-on work to better…

Marketing Neuroscience: Brain Fitness

Usually we talk about neuroscience marketing here, i.e., improving marketing using brain science (aka neuromarketing). But, to engage in a verbal contortion, what about marketing brain improvement with science? That's exactly what…

Priming The Customer

"Priming" is a concept discussed in Malcom Gladwell's book, Blink. Research shows that subtle cues can subconsciously affect subsequent behavior. Marketers should understand this concept in designing campaigns.

French Ads Target Brain Response

The latest ad campaign for a new telephone directory assistance service in France are, according to their creator, intended to take advantage of the way the brain responds to visual and other stimuli.

The Neuro-acquittal of O. J. Simpson

Research on the neuroscience of political persuasion suggests that by turning the O. J. Simpson trial into a debate on racism, defense attorney Johnny Cochran may have allowed the jurors to process testimony in a partisan and emotional way,…