Color Psychology, Mind-Controlling Bugs, Blog Boosters, More… Roger’s Picks
You want an eclectic reading list? This week we’ve got color psychology, mind-controlling bugs, big conversion tips, neuro-politics, business blog boosters, and more!
Does blue automatically make your website more trustworthy? Do red buttons get the most clicks? Colors DO make a huge difference in marketing effectiveness, but the answers aren’t always so simple. Gregory Ciotti (@GregoryCiotti) explains the colorful intricacies at Psychology Today in Color Psychology: How Colors Influence the Mind.
Neuromarketing can inspire consumer fear at times, but the area that some find the most scary is its application in political campaigns. Choosing a toothpasted is a lot less significant than electing a president. Writing at Campaigns and Elections, Fred Davis (@freddavis) describes the The power of neuromarketing and makes it seem more practical than frightening.
If you are carrying an extra few pounds, you may feel you should lose them. If you do, you’ll be healthier, more attractive, and happier, right? It turns out the “happier” part may not be true. Dr. Jeremy Dean (@PsyBlog) explains why in The Surprising Impact of Weight Loss on the Emotions.
Here’s a super-quick read from Jordan Kasteler (@JordanKasteler). Jordan digs into psychology research to come up with 5 More Brain Triggers To Drive Conversions On Your Website Or Landing Page.
Like real-world case studies? Like recommendations based on data rather than guesswork? Kevan Lee (@kevanlee) delivers How We Doubled Email Signups in 30 Days: Our Strategies to Get More Email Subscribers. I’m currently implementing one of Kevan’s successful strategies. Check back next week, see if you can spot it! (And, if the topic interests you, check out our own recent post, How Top Conversion Experts Seduce You Into Giving Up Your Email.)
Just about every business has a blog these days… and if they don’t, they had better start one. But most business blogs offer up boring content, bad design, and don’t help generate new business. Henneke Duistermaat (@HennekeD) comes to your rescue by sharing A 38-Point Blog Optimization Checklist to Jumpstart Your Lead Generation. Lots of illustrations and real-world, practical advice.
Apparently, too many people weren’t recognizing satire when they saw it, and were discussing made-up news as if it was real. For many of us, that adds an extra layer of humor to the original piece. But, if you are an Ohioan outraged by “Aliens Land in Cleveland, Get Bored, and Leave,” there’s good news from Facebook. They will now label satire specifically as satire. Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) explains in Satire Sites Hit With Facebook’s Related Articles [Satire] Tag.
Mind control is scary stuff, though usually you only encounter references to it in science fiction and alarmist articles about neuromarketing. But, we may all be victims of mind control from an internal, not external, source. David DiSalvo (@Neuronarrative) explores the possibility in Gut Feeling: How Intestinal Bacteria Could Manipulate Your Brain.
Be real. Be transparent. That’s standard advice for proper use of social media. Oddly, new research from Aalto University, as reported in Science Daily (@ScienceDaily), says that isn’t always the best path. Get the details in People fake to look real on social media.
My Stuff
There’s trouble brewing in higher education. Many colleges in the US are having difficulty filling their seats with the kind of students they want. To their credit, many are rapidly learning about performance marketing and making their ads far more efficient than in the past. But, this week at Forbes (@Forbes), I warn about the major pitfall of focusing solely on efficient lead generation: What Higher Ed Marketers Can Learn From Luxury Brands.
Planning on taking a class in neuromarketing in the near future? Dr. Thomas Ramsøy (@tzramsoy) has written the book that you’ll probably be using for a text. Thomas and I had a great chat about consumer behavior, understanding the brain, changing beliefs about neuromarketing, and lots more. Listen to the latest episode of The Brainfluence Podcast, Bringing Brains to Business with Thomas Ramsøy, read the transcript, or click through to the resources we discussed.
Also, if you missed it, we had an equally eclectic assortment of reading in last week’s picks. Find out the sneaky way the Kardashian Game became so popular and more in Cooties, Conversion, Brain Reboots, and Habits – Roger’s Picks.
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