Fonts That Create Emotions, and More – Roger’s Picks
We’re trying something new here at Neuromarketing – a quick digest of interesting articles we found this week. Expect an eclectic mix of marketing, neuroscience, psychology, digital, and stuff that doesn’t fit in any of those categories. Cat videos, too! Well, probably no cat videos… but if we find something particularly amusing, we’ll share it!
In The science behind fonts (and how they make you feel), Mikael Cho explores the emotional side of fonts and text layout. It’s a wide-ranging discussion that brings in eye movement patterns, psychology research, and cultural differences.
Where on the planet is the highest concentration of conversion experts? According to writer Kathryn Aragon, writing at Brian Massey‘s Conversion Scientist blog, it’s Austin, Texas. In Austin: The Conversion Capital of the World, Kathryn lists, in addition to Massey, more than a dozen other performance marketing experts. The selections include Bryan Eisenberg, Jeffrey Eisenberg, Ryan Deiss, Noah Kagan, Bill Leake, and more. I snuck onto the list, too.
Super Bowl Research Combines Biometrics and Facial Coding. Neuromarketing firm Innerscope Research, who uses biometric techniques to gauge consumer response to ads and content, teamed up with Emotient, a facial coding firm, to analyze this year’s Super Bowl ads.
PubCon founder Brett Tabke has been a leader in encouraging web marketers to think about psychology to improve web site results. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink, delivered a keynote a few years ago. Now, it’s been announced that the main keynote for PubCon New Orleans will be persuasion psychology expert Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the perennial best-seller, Influence. For a double dose of brainy marketing, sign up for the Masters Group Training the day before the main Pubcon conference – I’ll be doing the opening keynote for that group!
5 Ecommerce Pricing Experiments that Will Make You Want to Run an A/B Test Today by by Mark Macdonald at Shopify’s blog not only has a great headline, it highlights some great pricing and product positioning strategies.
The always-interesting Which Test Won featured an A/B test with truly remarkable results: Which Landing Page Increased Leads by 2,000%?.
What’s the most critical step in email marketing? Surely, it’s getting people to at least open the email. I’m a big fan of personalization in all forms, and it turns out to work in email headlines, too. Read more at Study Says a Personalized Subject Line is the Key to Email Success at Marketing Pilgrim.
One of the experts that makes Austin the conversion capital is Peep Laja. In his epic post, The Better Than Ultimate Guide To Landing Page Optimization, Peep provides a great resource for anyone who wants to tune up their landing pages.
Should we keep doing this? Leave a comment with your thoughts!