Monthly Archives

November 2011

Chew Gum, Get Smart

Need to get smarter, right now? Pop a stick of gum in your mouth. According to research from St. Lawrence University, you'll get a boost in cognitive ability for a short time - just 15 to 20 minutes. After that, the benefits fade and…

What DARPA Knows About Persuasive Copy

I'm sure many of my readers here at Neuromarketing also subscribe to Brian Clark's great Copyblogger blog (if not, you should!), but in case you missed it, I did a rare (for me) guest post there yesterday. It's How to Write Weapons-Grade…

Neuromarketing by Leon Zurawicki

Book Review: Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer by Leon Zurawicki I'm constantly asked the question, "where can I study neuromarketing?" by those looking for an undergraduate or graduate degree that will enable them to…

When Your Computer Watches Back

I frequently joke about journalists who use the term "Orwellian" to describe neuromarketing, but Orwell's novel 1984 did foresee one technology that may become a reality: a television (or at least a monitor) that watches you back. The…

What’s in YOUR Wallet?

How you pay - credit card vs. cash - actually affects how you think about the products you are buying, according to new research published in the Journal of Consumer Research. That, in turn, means that marketers need to review how they…

The Branded Mind by Erik du Plessis

Book Review - The Branded Mind: What Neuroscience Really Tells Us about the Puzzle of the Brain and the Brand by Erik du Plessis. If you are tired of pop psychology and fluffy neuro-books, then The Branded Mind by Erik du Plessis is…

“Brainfluence on the Web” at Pubcon

Neuromarketing got some extra exposure at Pubcon, one of the biggest web marketing conferences, last week.  I gave a presentation titled Brainfluence on the Web that started with a quick introduction to Neuromarketing, including several…

The Dark Side of Adjectives

Want your content to go viral, or at least get shared? Then don't overdo the adjectives. That's one of the interesting findings Dan Zarrella shares in his book, Zarrella's Hierarchy of Contagiousness.

Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness

Book Review: Zarrella's Hiearchy of Contagiousness: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Contagious Ideas by Dan Zarrella I like Dan Zarrella's approach to social media. Amidst a horde of social media gurus, experts, mavens, and…