The Persuasion Slide Book Is Here!
Want to make your website more persuasive for the price of a latte? My new book, The Persuasion Slide, is available in Amazon’s Kindle Store.
It’s a short book that provides a more complete and better illustration of my Persuasion Slide framework. I’ve blogged about it and recorded a podcast, but the book format lets me incorporate plenty of illustrations and screenshots to illustrate key points.
The Persuasion Slide: Combine Conscious and Non-conscious Motivators #CRO Share on XIf you haven’t run across one of my earlier explanations, The Persuasion Slide is a simple framework with four components, each of which may have conscious and non-conscious aspects. It’s a way of thinking about both in a structured way.
We’ve all been in campaign meetings where marketing wants to play up features and benefits, sales wants to offer discounts, and one lone voice is suggesting using psychology and emotion. My framework is intended to level the playing field by bringing all the elements together in an organized and prioritized way.
You can zip through the book in an hour, and if you skip the appendix with two “real world” examples it will take even less time.
And, for its introductory period, I’ve set the price at just $4.99 US (hence the earlier latte reference). Want that fancy coffee AND the book? No problem, you can get the book for free if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber.
I’d really appreciate your feedback on the Slide framework and the book. Your ideas for improving the framework or the book itself are most welcome. One advantage of publishing in electronic form is that I don’t have thousands of paper copies to get rid of before I can issue an improved edition.
The Persuasion Slide: Combine Conscious and Non-conscious Motivators #CRO Share on XIf you do find the book useful, I would greatly appreciate your leaving a quick Amazon review. (If you didn’t like it, let me know what you think would make it better!)
Good luck, and start sliding!
Amazon Link: The Persuasion Slide – A New Way to Market to Your Customer’s Conscious Needs and Unconscious Mind